
Why do executives work with a coach?

The average tenure of c-suite executives is 4.5 years. 50-70% of executives fail within 18 months of their promotion. Over half indicate having minimal ongoing coaching and feedback in their roles. These are high risk jobs and require investment and support to ensure success and value creation. Investing in a coach provides you with an independent, trusted advisor who is committed to your success. 

How do I get my organization to hire an executive coach?

Ask! Many leaders have an executive coach. You are already successful and a coach can help you be even more effective. If your organization wants to retain and develop the best talent, investing in a coach can be an important part of that experience. Working with a trusted coach provides a supportive space for you to grow, succeed, add value and live up to your full potential. If your organization is not ready support this, you can hire your own coach.

Who sets the agenda for coaching discussions?

As the client, you determine what we talk about. As your coach, I have your best interest at heart and am committed to you. Your goals are my priority. I will help you with whatever you want to work on and celebrate your definition of success.

How does confidentiality work?

Our coaching conversations are 100% confidential.  What we discuss will not be shared with anyone.  I am bound by ethical standards that require confidentiality through my certification, training and professional association.  The sponsor/leader should know that we have a coaching relationship and how many sessions are completed. I will not tell them what we discuss and I will not talk about you to anyone else. 

What is the difference between coaching, therapy, mentoring and consulting?

Coaching is working on things in the present towards future development. It's about the "how" and taking things that are already working to optimal. In coaching, you are the expert on you.  Therapy is addressing things in the past in order to heal and shift from non functioning to functioning. Therapy is about the "why." I am not trained, nor licensed as a therapist and do not practice therapy. Mentoring is drawing on the mentor's own experience as a role model. Consulting is giving advice as an expert and is about the "what."

What is a 360 assessment?

This assessment gathers input from a 360 degree view of you.  Feedback comes from you as the client, leaders, peers, subordinates and/or clients for a broad view across your professional portfolio. The purpose is to provide additional insight into how you are perceived, areas of strength and opportunity. A 360 is typically done as a survey on a confidential basis with the feedback consolidated and anonymized for the client. It can be done through a formal assessment tool or through one on one conversations with the coach. 

What is imposter syndrome?

This belief occurs when people doubt their abilities and wonder if they will be exposed as a fraud. Despite being capable, it is common for successful, high-achieving people to question their accomplishments or feel inadequate. One study reported on webMD found that 70% of all people have felt like an imposter at some point. Coaching can help overcome these feelings and challenge the doubts.